Thongwa Dönden

Thongwa Dönden,1416–1453

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:1-41

English Title:

Spiritual Biography of the Dharma Master Chökyi Drakpa Pel Zangpo – Irresistable Treasury of Precious Qualities

Short description:

Spiritual Biography of Chökyi Drakpa Pel Zangpo

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:42-94

English Title:

Spiritual Songs of the Karmapa Tongwa Dönden from the First till the Last

Short description:

Collection of songs from the 6th Karmapa Tongwa Dönden

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:95-278

English Title:

Practice of the Body Mandala of the Glorious Bhagavat Chakrasamvara, the Mandala Ritual of Offering Garland – The Cloud Bank of the Marvellous Blessing, the Ocean of Samantabhadra's Emanations, the Great Treasure of Maturing Nectar Granting the Desired and Delightful Results

Short description:

Chakrasamvara body mandala practice.

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:279-313

English Title:

Essential Instructions on the Visualisation Guide for the (Practice of) Glorious Chakrasamvara's Body Mandala That Elucidate the Path of the Great Vajradhara

Short description:

Explanation on the Chakrasamvara body mandala practice.

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:313-322

English Title:

History of Jinasagara

Short description:

History of Gyalwa Gyamtso.

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:322-422

English Title:

Practice of Jinasagara

Short description:

Practice guide to Gyalwa Gyamtso.

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:422-431

English Title:

Visualisation Guide for the Five-Deity Mandala of Bhagavat Jinasagara, Mighty Lord of the World – Iron Hooks Summoning Unobstructed Blessing

Short description:

Visualisation guide to the five-deity mandala of Gyalwa Gyamtso.

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:432-446

English Title:

Ripening Torma Empowerment of Bhagavat Lokeshvara – The Mighty King Blazing With One Thousand Sunrays

Short description:

Torma empowerment of Lokeshvara.

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:446-456

English Title:

Purification Through the Attributes of the Lake of Glorious Dakinis

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:456-463

English Title:

Talk on Lineage and Outer Story to Venerate the Autenticity of Vajrajogini

Short description:

The outer history of Vajrayogini.

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:463-473

English Title:

Practice of Vajrayogini, Acting on One's Being by Means of Body, Speech and Mind

Short description:

Vajrayogini practice.

Volume: 25

Location(volume of author: pages): 1:473-504

English Title:

Practice of the Exalted Vajrayogini Composed by the Master Marpa Chökyi Lodrö

Short description:

Vajrayogini practice composed by Marpa.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:1-5

English Title:

Secret Practice on Glorious Vajrayogini Composed by Venerable Marpa to Benefit Milarepa

Short description:

Secret practice of Vajrayogini.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:5-10

English Title:

Secret Practice on Bhagavati Vajrayogini

Short description:

Secret practice of Vajrayogini.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:10-14

English Title:

Brief Instruction and Protective Circle of Vajrayogini

Short description:

Protective Circle of Vajrayogini.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:14-18

English Title:

Instruction of the All-Knowing Rangjungpa – Life-Essence of the Dakinis of Three Places

Short description:

The text of the Third Karmapa.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:18-21

English Title:

Instruction on the Innate Lady Composed by Rangjungpa – The Concise Meaning of the Stainless Daily Practice

Short description:

The text of the Third Karmapa.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:22-35

English Title:

Instructions, Recitation Stage, and Yogic Exercises of the Innate Lady Composed by the Precious Rangjungpa

Short description:

The text of the Third Karmapa.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:35-82

English Title:

Secret Practice of the Exalted Vajrayogini – Indian Root Text Including Notes From Düsum Khyenpa's Own System

Short description:

The Indian original text together with notes from Düsum Khyenpa's system. mTshur phu pa is the toponymical name of the 1st Karmapa.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:82-96

English Title:

Garland of Gems, the Essential Instructions of the Exalted Vajrayogini – Wish-Fulfiling Tree

Short description:

Essential instructions on Vajrayogini.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:96-109

English Title:

Notes on the Secret Practice of the Exalted Lady

Short description:

Notes on the Secret Practice of Vajrayogini.

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:109-118

English Title:

Empowerment Ritual of the Outer Practice on the Bhagavat Protector Amithaba – The Wish-Fulfilling Gem Jewel

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:118-138

English Title:

Notes on the Secret Practice

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:138-141

English Title:

Notes on Empowerments

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:141-146

English Title:

Instruction on the Secret Practice

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:146-181

English Title:

Amitabha Visualisation Guide – Bestowing the Supreme Nectar of Immortallity

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:181-197

English Title:

Empowerment Ritual of Bhagavat Amitayus and Amitabha – the Stainless Garden

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:197-205

English Title:

Important Points of "The Garden of the Stainless Lotus" Empowerment Ritual – The One that Spreads Perfection

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:205-222

English Title:

Notes on the Application of the Grove of the Stainless Lotuses – The Jewel of the Sky

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:222-438

English Title:

The Great Mandala Ritual of the Bhagavat Vajradhatu, Pleasing the Fortunate – the Blissful Feast of the Perfect Display of Vajrasattva

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:438-474

English Title:

Mandala Ritual of the Glorious Vajradhatu, Extended Light Illuminating Tathagatagarbha

Volume: 26

Location(volume of author: pages): 2:474-506

English Title:

The Process of the Practice of the Five-deity Bhagavat Hayagriva Mandala Ritual, Ritual Procedures of the Awareness Transmission (Empowerment)

Volume: 27

Location(volume of author: pages): 3:1-87

English Title:

The Practice of the Bhagavat Jinasagara Called "The Great Path of Totally Clear Liberation"

Volume: 27

Location(volume of author: pages): 3:89-165

English Title:

The Practice of Essential Instructions and the Mandala Ritual of the Glorious Sahaja Vajrayogini – Guide Elucidating the Swift Path of the Great Highest Secret

Volume: 27

Location(volume of author: pages): 3:167-350

English Title:

Glorious Mahakala's Visualization Guide – Accomplishing All Goals, Vanquishing Negative Forces and Exorcising Malicious Forces

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:1-7

English Title:

Cycles of Spiritual Biographies – Precious Garland

Short description:

This is a collection of short stories

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:7-9

English Title:

Text Called "The Garland of Lotuses"

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:9-15

English Title:

Exceedingly Arranged Wish-fullfilling Jewel

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:15-26

English Title:

Spiritual Biography Recording the Secrets – Treasury of Precious Qualities, the Radiantly Shining Mirror

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:26-39

English Title:

Discourse on His Own Way of Seeing – the Necklace of Utpalas

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:39-71

English Title:

Collection of Praises to Yidams

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:71-85

English Title:

Collection of Praises to Dharma Protectors

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:85-95

English Title:

The Unsurpassable Qualities of Total Attainment from the Point of View of Bhagavati

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:95-111

English Title:

Cycle of Wishes such as the Wish-fullfilling Aspiration Prayer and so on

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:111-201

English Title:

Notes on the Ritual of Glorious Hevajra – Entering the Realms by Seeing

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:201-341

English Title:

Stages of Practice on Bhagavati Vajra Nairatmya – Dispelling Darkness, the Ultimate Ornament Illuminating the Meaning of the Essence, Accomplishing the Lake of Joyous Nectar

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:341-465

English Title:

Mandala Ritual of the Glorious Utmost Bhagavat Drekpa Khamsum Yongdrol – The Ocean of Offering Clouds of the Wrathful Majestic Enjoyment of the Great Ferocious One, That Subjugates the Obstructing Spirits by the Blazing Blessing

Short description:

Mandala Ritual of Hayagriva Drekpa Khamsum Yongdrol (The One Who Liberates from the Haughtiness of the Three Realms)

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:465-677

English Title:

Mahakala Visualisation Guide – Accomplishing All Goals, Vanquishing Negative Forces and Exorcising Malicious Forces

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:677-699

English Title:

Offering Ritual to The Oath-bound Great Being

Short description:

Offering ritual to Dorje Legpa (Skt. Vajrasadhu)

Volume: 28

Location(volume of author: pages): 4:699-706

English Title:

Visualisation Guide of Mantrapati the Great Helper. The Process of Offering the Torma